Monday, July 18, 2011


Now that rain and cold weather are the standard in Vancouver the only option for summertime riding is Pemberton. It's almost guaranteed the trails will be dry. I'd been meaning to get onto a few newer goodies the valley had to offer so Mike and Danielle joined me for another great Pemby ride.

The pain began with a big climb from the valley floor up Happy, Waco, Nimby and Middle Earth to the microwave tower. Single-track climbing doesn't get any sweeter!

I'd yet to sample the new variation of Gravatron named Gravatrout. Didn't see any trout on the trail but my back-end felt a little fishy on the way down?

Rusty Trombone = Pemberton loam......... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The guy in the Green Jersey does not seem to know what he is doing? Perhaps training wheels would help