Friday night Drey rolled in from Litton and Colin and Dave came in from the Hurley to join us for the rest of the tour. We packed up and headed North East to the end of a very deactivated road that would be our starting point for the next two days adventure. After more beer doping overnight we awoke to a cloudless day that we proclaimed "The first day of summer 2011". It was warm and the bugs were out but nothing would stop us from having an amazing trip. Colin tried hard to screw things up by throwing his shoes across the first river crossing (1 minute from the truck) and coming up short. One of his shoes was destined to be a Salmon for good but Danielle saved the day by snagging it at the last minute. Slideshow
Hopefully my shadow wasn't representative of the length of the ride?
I helped Drey out with a few adjustments on her Norco Sight Forma care of a hacksaw.
After an hour on the road we found the trailhead that would lead us to the gold!
It was pretty much a push / bushwhack all the way to the alpine with the exception of a few meadowy spots.
And lot's of these.... We kept our shoes on for the rest of the trip.
Girls, meadows, and Bikes.
There were disagreements below Castle Mountain.
But most worked out in the end.
We finally reached the end of our first long climb up to our chosen pass to get to the goods. The views were stunning and the riding was incredible.
And we dropped into our first descent of the day at 4:30pm.
But had many more ups in the day.....
And side-hill traverses.
The promise land was close now so we decided to take a well deserved break before the descent down to "Bike Porn" camp.
We arrived at Camp at 8:00 pm just in time for some sweet nectar we'd beed hauling around all day!
A lone Billy Goat stood guard over us all evening until the sun set.
The campfire brought us together under a perfect night sky. Another amazing day in the South Chilcotins!
We awoke to another bluebird day but just as we were taking down camp some lenticular clouds appeared in the distance. A storm was on the way for sure.
The day started off with a big climb up to a high pass at 2300m. The weather was holding.
We decided to climb one of our favourite peaks in the zone and get a full Bike Porn run into the valley below.
Just as I reached the top of the climb I looked down and found an incredible ancient sea creature fossil.
Mmmmm.... Bike Porn! When we returned to the valley we made our way out to another old road and road 20kms back to the truck. Needless to say we were a little punched.
After a couple of hours of driving we were at our next camp spot and positioned for Day 5......
wicked camp shot with the stars!
Looks like it was an amazing trip, incredible photos!
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